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Here is part 2 of 40 Things I learned in 40 days…
Number 21-30

21. If you decide you still want to eat all almonds all the time, here’s a helpful suggestion: get them at Sam’s Club.
They have the best deal on almonds and…unfortunately for me, the bag seems bottomless. It seriously lasts for forever. (see #12)

22. Eating healthy can be costly, but the cost of NOT eating healthy is much greater.
And someday, when you are desperate for health, you will not be able to buy it. So, invest now in health so that the quality of your life will be high throughout your life, not just when you are desperate for it.

23. Chia, Flaxseed, Coconut Oil, and Almond Milk seem to be all the rage these days when it comes to nutrition.
I’m not a dietician, but I’ve noticed that everyone I met who is serious about health and nutrition are talking about these foods. So I’m thinking it’s probably time to include these things in my diet.

24. Del Taco.
I had never been to this fast food taco joint prior to this trip. Frankly, I will be fine if I never went again. If there is any question about why this franchise isn’t sweeping the nation with new stores, let me just tell you: it may have something to do with their “2 tacos for 99 cent” deal that contains lower grade “meat” than Taco Bell. (I didn’t know that was possible.)

25. If you have to get stuck for seven days while you’re car is being fixed…Colorado’s not a bad place to do it! 

26. Never withhold forgiveness. Never. 
Don’t withhold forgiveness because you think it will give you leverage. There is nothing good that comes out of this. In fact, it usually creates bitterness. You don’t forgive someone because they deserve to be forgiven. You forgive someone because you believe in grace.

27. Omaha has a 2% entertainment tax that is charged on any “entertainment” purchase within the city limits, which includes any meal ordered from a restaurant.
If you are like me, and find yourself immediately excited about the idea of this money being invested back into arts and entertainment industry within Omaha, don’t be. It has nothing to do with arts and entertainment being improved or invested in. It’s just a “bonus” tax.

28. True resting comes out of true trusting.
Resting is more than a nap. You may be getting enough sleep but still feel tired. This is because rest comes out of a place of trusting. When we believe the promises that God has promised us…and really TRUST this, our soul begins to find rest, physically and emotionally.

29. I think Heaven may look a lot like Santa Barbara, California.

30. The Lord, the giver of our kingdom dreams, loves it when we are willing to give our dreams back to Him as an act of surrender.
He loves when we take our dreams and put them back at His feet and in doing so, submitting to Him and acknowledging that He is the Giver of every good thing. That’s when we know that nothing, even our dreams, are as important as he is.